Mallon's Media Watch

Mallon's Media Watch

Thursday, September 12, 2002

To those who are shocked—shocked!—at the suggestion that VOTF have anything to do with dissent:

Dom Bettinelli on VOTF and their dissident connections


Hooray for the Magisterium!

From: _________
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 14:07:15 -0500
Subject: Mail from the ITV web form

I just read John Mallon's article in the Boston Globe, and want to thank him. As a convert from the Episcopal church (8 yrs.), I have lived through many of the so-called reforms being proposed. Blessed be God for the Magisterium, and for the great treasure we have in the Catholic Church.

(Name withheld by Mallon), Michigan

Amen! Thank you! —JM


Another letter re Mallon's article.

Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 16:32:47 -0500
Subject: Mail from the ITV web form

To John Mallon:

I read your Op-ed piece in the Globe. I have scoured the votf web site looking for specific places where their leaders may have used the expression "We are Church." Can't find it anywhere. Could this be a red herring to discredit the response of this grassroots movemement of mainstream Catholics to the abuse of power scandal? Your article seeks to justify the notion that "The Bishops are the Church". Insofar as they seek to be faithful, the bishops are, indeed, an important part of the church, but they are not the church. Of the world's one billion Catholics, no more than 4500 are bishops. What does that come to? About one tenth of one percent. If you throw in all the clergy, the percentage grows to about one percent. Bishops and their clergy are empowered to teach, sanctify, and serve, but that does not make them "the church". St. Paul most often uses the word "church" to refer to the people gathered to worship God. He also uses it as a synonym for the people whom God has made his own. VOTF poses little or no threat to the vitality of the Catholic Church. Bishops hoping to hold on to their absolute power pose a far greater danger. Your presentation on apostolic succession makes a mockery of history. John, do you read church history? Jesus chose and formed apostles and disciples so they could bear witness to the Good news of God's salvation. Not to protect an institution that didn't exist at the time. The sky is not falling. The institutional church vs. votf is like a gnat vs. a whale. The bishops will survive nicely. Will God's people survive and thrive is another question entirely. Maybe this time, the bishops can get out in front on reform. It will save us Trent II.

Dear Anonymous,

RE: Your comment on my implying "The Church is the bishops:" Reread the table of contents of Lumen Gentium, as I suggested in the Globe article. While you're at it reread my article.

Thanks for writing,
John Mallon

PS: Use your name. "Anonymous" is really tacky...


Response to Boston Globe article, and my reply

From: _____
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 16:39:00 -0500
Subject: Mail from the ITV web form

I feel compelled to write in response to the editorial by \"John Mallon . . . contributing editor at Inside the Vatican magazine\" recently published in the Boston Globe. I am once again shamed by those who call themselves leaders of the Catholic church. The type of innuendo driven, ad hominem attack contained in that editorial is worthy of muckraking politics, not what should be a debate among caring and believing Christians over what is clearly a crisis in the church. I point to the following particular example: The people in Voice of the Faithful imply in their clamor for \'\'reform\'\' that their authority trumps that of the bishops. They do not specify what they mean by \'\'reform,\'\' but if they mean the ordination of priestesses and the blessing of promiscuity, adultery, abortion, or contraception, the wait will be even longer than they imagine. There is not a syllable in Vatican II that gives any reason to expect these changes. What part of \'\'Infallible Teaching\'\' don\'t they understand? Having watched the defense of Bill Clinton by persons such as James Carville over the years, that is the type of attack I would expect from them, not an editor of a Catholic publication. Mr. Mallon knows full well that at no time has Voice of the Faithful ever espoused the ordination of women or any of the other odious doctrines with which he tries to tar the organization. To paraphrase: Which part of humility and charity doesn\'t he understand? Unfortunately this is just more of the imperious attitude shown by the Church hierarchy throughout this crisis. A little less of the attitude of the Medici and Borgias, and a little more Pope John would be welcome. And please, stop the name calling. Its undignified.

From: John Mallon
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 22:47:36 -0500
Subject: RE: Mail from the ITV web form

Mr. _______,

Your letter was forwarded to me from Inside the Vatican. Could you please give me an example of innuendo, ad hominem attacks, muckraking, uncharity and name calling in my article? I can easily provide you with pages of documentation of extremely questionable attitudes and positions held by "Voice of the Faithful."

If that group supports authentic Church teachings let them say so in a public statement of support for them. They have back-peadled considerably after coming under intense pressure after having Deborah Haffner, former president of the fiercely anti-Catholic group SIECUS address their conference.

If they are indeed "faithful," let them affirm it with an oath of fidelity. Meanwhile, I await your examples of innuendo, ad hominem attacks, muckraking, uncharity and name calling in my article.

Personally, I believe it was a false notion of charity and "caring" that placed us in the current mess.

Thank you for writing,
John Mallon


Response to Boston Globe article

Mr. Mallon,

I just found my way to your blog from Mark Shea's. I had read your excellent letter on VOTF that was making its way around the web and thought that you might be interested to learn that VOTF is attempting to resurrect its message board and is having some difficulty finding moderators (now there's a thankless job!) to supervise it. As a past poster on the old VOTF board, it will be interesting to see if this group can over come its inability to tolerate any sort of criticism (I suspect that ______'s ego is at the root of this problem - I think that winning a Noble Prize is the worst thing that can happen to some people).

Anyway, keep up the good work, and God bless you and yours!


Wednesday, September 11, 2002

This weekend I'll be speaking at the Catholic Writers Festival in Steubenville, hope to meet a lot of you there!

For information: Catholic Writer's Festival Conference at Franciscan University of Steubenville

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Tuesday, September 10, 2002
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Sunday, September 08, 2002

A Boston friend writes:

The Rev. Edward Franks is an Episcopalian involved in "gay" causes (support for
"gay marriage", directs an "interfaith aids ministry").

Of course he doesn't believe that the Catholic Church is

Fancy that!

RCFM Declaration Signers
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